I bought this book from amazon.com and it came in today, I am going to see how helpful it really is for me. The closer Lauren gets to 3 the absolute worse her temper is getting. She is hitting, kicking, throwing, and being a downright little brat at times. I try my hardest to not let it affect me to the point of spanking or yelling but I am not a patient person and to tell you the truth it's getting old. I'll let you know how the book helps. Lord knows somethings gotta give with this crazy child of mine. She can also be really sweet and loving but her temper is out of this world, I guess it's the Hubei girl in her. :)

Ahhhh, the fun life with a toddler! They do grow out of this stage, but only get into another! Ha. A little space and time apart might help. Bring her to my house, and I'll keep her while you sleep! I'd love that!
You can always bring her to Nana's & Papa's house:)Before long you will think back to this stage and wish you were here again:)They go through so many different stages, just hang in there honey, it really does get better!
Don't fret sweetie - Molly is the same. She can be SOOO defient (spell?) & yet so sweet at other times. Yes I am sure we have spoiled her rotten and that don't help but hey at least they have personality ;-)
I hear you sister!!! Let me know what you think of the book.
Hang In There! - Mary
Annslee is in a screaming stage..mainly at me. Luckily the hitting is over..that got really old!! Time out kind of works with her but not all the time. Let me know how this book works...I find myself want to scream "STOP YELLING AT ME!!" Yeah, that would make a lot of sense .... : (
Amen to everything you've said. Even though I've only been home one week with Emily full time, there have definitely been some trying times, to say the least. Glad to hear others struggle with the patience issues! Good luck and let us know about the book!
Let me know how the book works too!!!
Liana went through the hitting stage, but thankfully that has stopped. We have been doing much better, but I don't know if that is because of her change in attitude or mine! She was driving me crazy for awhile to the point where I had no idea how to deal with it.
Maybe it is a Hubei thing:) Can't wait to hear about the book!
Our daughter is also a Hubei hottie and has a very stubborn side. Let me know what you think! We just purchased 1-2-3 Magic on the recommendation of many friends and a doctor. Yes, let's all keep the blood pressure down!
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