We took Lauren to something called
trunk or treat, it was fun.
people decorate the trunks
of their cars and hand candy
out of them, Santa was even there.

This is my favorite picture of Lauren

Santa at trunk or treat ? Lauren still doesn't like him :)

whoo hoo, candy..... and santa is far far away

I love the picture of her on the driveway, that is breathtaking:)
She looks like she is staying as far away from santa as possible, but seems pretty pleased to be getting candy later, glad all of you had fun. See you next weekend, we can't wait.
Love y'all
What a cutie she is. Did she get a new haircut?? I love it!!!
Annslee won't even discuss Santa..ready for another crying pic I guess LOL
We did Trunk or Treat this year too, our first time and we loved it. What a great idea it is. We loved it. we also went door to door but there were some spooky things which she did not like so we went home and gave out our candy bags. Lauren looks amazing!!!
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