We went to Florida for
Lauren's birthday and for
Christmas with the families.
As usual she racked in the stuff
and was happy with it all.
Florida is wonderful at Christmas,
where else can you sit outside
on Christmas eve and eat ice cream. :) We also went back to Busch Gardens and she loved it there. We all had a great trip and loved seeing family again.
Her bounty of gifts this year, we need a bigger house
Her party with family
A Dora cake of course
Lauren, Heather and Kim
At Busch Gardens with her "Dudley" cousins

I, too, have a mini-Dora lover in my house. I love the Dora cake. Happy belated birthday, Lauren. Our babies are growing up! Debbie
Happy birthday Lauren--what a great way to spend a birthday and Christmas:)
Man...you better get a bigger house for sure...just for her goodies. I think it is safe to say that all of our kids are spoiled!!!
Happy New Year
This pile doesn't even show the clothes this"unspoiled but very much loved" child got:) Who would ever know that she is the only grandbaby on one side and the baby on the other?:)Shopping for her is therapy or that is my story at least:)
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