Today Lauren was standing in front of the bedroom mirror playing with her eye, so I asked her what she was doing. she said " I'm taking out my contacts" HA, she is definitely watching every thing I do.
Also, on a potty training note, she has gone on the potty 3 times in the last 2 days. If she keeps it up all weekend Mommy & Daddy are taking her shopping next week for a special toy. she has been asking for a backyardigans guitar she saw in a magazine so that would be a special potty treat :)
That is hilarious, I almost choked on iced tea:). Yep, time to watch everything you do and say for sure!
Yea! Lauren on the potty times, you are doing so good!!! Nana & Big Papa are so proud of you and love you sooo much:)
Too cute about the contacts!
Lauren - way to go with the Potty Thing! You can do girl!!! I want to see a picture of the Backyardigans Guitar!!!
Way to go Lauren!! That guitar has a volume control by the way...and you will want to use it LOL
Exellente on the Potty training - Molly got fish when we got ehr trained but sadly they all died within a week. Moral of the story DO NOT BUY FISH FROM WALMART!!!
That is great about the potty training! Way Cool!!! Way to go Lauren!
I'd also like to see the Guitar. Liana wants to be a Rock & Roll Star. From Barneys video on you can be anything. I am pretty sure her next gift will be a guitar...at least it is smaller than the piano I thought was going to be next!
I may need to copy this idea to get JiaLi going with bedtime potty training--she still wears one to bed:) Yay Lauren!
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