Noah came for a playdate today, it was the first time he has come to Lauren's house and they were so excited. :) They played in the Dora kitchen, played race cars, had smore's for dessert after lunch and lauren tried to get Noah to play dress up but Noah wouldn't take the bait. :) That's the downfall to a boy best friend I guess, you can't talk them into playing dress up with you. They had a great time but we discovered Lauren really needs a sibling, sharing is not her strongest attribute you can tell by the crossed arms picture, something didn't go her way.
I see her "very very mad pose":). Since her Nana & Mama both had best friends that were boys growing up we can understand Noah not playing dress up,Noah & Lauren are really best buds:). It looks like they had a great play date, attitude and all:).
I love the posturing! We definitely get to see that with Jerrel, too! He's working on it, though. When Krista tells him to put away his mad face, he stretches his eyebrows way up, and says "sorry, Mommy!"
The one with her arms crossed makes me laugh!! If Noah would just do what she says all would be well. Looks like they mostly had a fun time though : )
Love her arms crossed too:) Those boys and dressing up---Jenise has actually gotten her younger brothers to dress up:) Tell Lauren to keep trying;)
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