We got home today from a trip to Florida to see Cousin Heather graduate. we also took Lauren rollerskating at the local rink while we were there, she was not impressed with it at all. :) She had a great time visiting grandparents and cousins and we are extremely proud of Heather as she gets ready to head to UF.

Lauren and Heather

Not impressed with skating

A kiss for Heather
I was wondering if you were out-of-town... it's been awhile without a Lauren update!
Visiting Cousins! Wahoo! That's always a good time.
Glad you had a fun time...we have been missing you!!! What a cute skater/swimmer she is : )
Love that look on her face in the pool!
It was wonderful spending time with all of you, we loved every second:). She has grown so much and is talking like crazy!
We will see you in July.
I can't wait to see the pictures she took with her new camera, they should be a hoot:).
I'm glad you're back. Lauren is a cutey!
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