She is cracking us up lately with the stuff she says. Here's a few of the latest.
I asked her this morning to go pick out her shoes and her reply " Oh Man"
We were in the van and she said her nail had come off so I reached back to grab it and her response" That wasn't my nail, that was something yucky from my nose"
Do i have eyebrows ? do you have eyebrows, how about dad ?
I not feeling better(she says this when she doesn't want to shower or take a bath)
Jake had a bone and I told her to leave him be or he could get grumpy. her reply
" Like papa in the car"
I tell you, she is hilarious with the stuff she comes up with :) The pictures are the sunflowers we picked this morning, there's a place close by that you can go and pick them and then pay for what you get on an honor system.
As "they" say, out of the mouth of babes:). You just never know what will be next, she is very funny. I can't wait to see and hear for myself:).
Those sunflowers look wonderful!
The one that had me laughing out loud was: ...it was something yucky from my nose! LOL!!!!!
Her nail fell off?? Sorry you needed a tissue after that!! ha ha
Love the sunflowers : )
Too cute!! Love those sunflowers--my favorite flower:)
I think we have a little comedian in the making here lovie!!!
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