Lauren talks non stop now, we were sitting at the dinner table and daddy decided to count the number of times she said momma in ten minutes. Can you guess how many times ? Well, the answer is 23. In ten minutes she said momma 23 times :) She is a total chatterbox now. This picture makes me laugh, she used her bed pillows to make a ladder and climbed up the kitchen counter to grab her jar of peanut butter, she eats it right out of the jar with a spoon. That's why I say it's "her" jar no one but Lauren eats it here :)
Oh Stacie... I hear ya! I've had a chatterbox on my hands since day one (she's point and 'hoot' at things she wanted to know more about)! And it only gets WORSE! Seesh! I mean, I'm glad she's a great communicator, but silence is golden (I now appreciate that saying!!!!).
Too funny about the peanut butter jar - both that it's HER jar and that she was able to figure out a way to get it!!!
Well my dear, you were the same way:) and the funny thing is you did the same thing with peanut butter too:)
I love the look on her face, like uh-oh or maybe it is oh no there is the camera again:)
So funny that he counted...LOL
Annslee eats peanut butter that way too and also has her own jar : )
Lauren is a girl after my own heart! I love peanut butter! And I just told Jeff the other day I wish I had a dollar for each time I hear, "Mom...Mom...Mom" every day. It's non-stop!
23 times in 10 minutes!! That cracked me up. Hugs to Lauren!!
I'm telling you once they get started they don't stop(chattering that is)--don't you love it:) Too cute with the peanut butter!
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