Steve and I met little Lauren for the first time, I cannot believe it's been three years. I'll never forget that day or the 7 hours of screaming that took place after they handed her to me that first time. She has changed so much physically, socially, mentally since then. She is now a carefree, happy girl that loves her mama AND her dada unlike those first few days. What a blessing we have been given not only with the gift of Lauren but also with the gift of the other families we traveled with, we have made some wonderful friends with those 11 families :)

First time seeing mama

Her first reaction to dada

All of our lives changed so much and we were so very blessed 3 years ago today, I can remember the phone call as if it were yesterday, the happiness and the concern in your voice and also the screaming baby in the background:). She is so loved by so many just as her Mama & Dada are.
Happy Family Day! I can't believe it has been three years ago. I'm remembering the little things about our sitting on the floor outside of Wendys room waiting to turn in laundry. The noise in the Civil Affairs room from all of the children and adults crying and talking. All of those sweet little girls!
Happy Family Day...what an amazing journey we have all been on. I remember it all so clearly too...of course I remember her cries too. Isn't it amazing how she has changed. Enjoy your sweet girl.
Looking at those pictures of Lauren as she takes in her new parents... I'm laughing and crying at the same time.
We had quite the opposite with Josie... she started laughing at Todd after getting a good look at him. Then she started giggle at me... to be honest, we were both so nervous about that. We had so expected her to act the way Lauren did, that we had NO idea what to do with a baby who did NOT cry. For the first two days she did not cry once! I was so worried that something was wrong with her.
It is just amazing to see how 'far' these little girls have come in three short years.
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