We went to the High Museum today to see the Terracotta Warriors, to say it was great is a huge understatement. No soldier is alike and each has intricate detail. We bought a mini replica set that came in a silk box for Lauren to have when she is older, we figure she may never see them again and it's part of her heritage that we want her to be able to keep. We also bought her the book explaining the warriors and how they were found and what their purpose was. Such a neat thing to see and something that we may never have the chance to see again. We couldn't take pictures inside so I don't have any to share :(
This is awesome, she will be so thankful when she is older.
I am sure it was very interesting!
Too bad you couldn't take pictures inside, but at least you could buy something for her to have when she gets older.
I agree; they are totally awesome. We were able to see them in Xi'An when we visited in 2002... it was completely amazing to see row after row after row of these warriors - and no two faces alike!
It great that you were able to take Lauren to the exhibit today!!!
You guys are starting off the New Year in good fashion.
This looks great. Thanks for letting us know about this. I'm so glad you all were able to take Lauren and that she'll have this as a keepsake. Love the trampoline pictures!
Oh how cool! I would love to have seen this.
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