Our county parks program had an hour and a half home school class today on reptiles and amphibians so you know we had to go, Lauren touched a snake skin, a turtle shell and a LIVE toad, she loves snakes, lizards and anything of the sort. Then they went outside to look for tadpoles in the pond but didn't find any today. They also had a live snake to touch but had to put him up because he was shedding and was a little cranky and jumpy so she didn't get to touch him, the lady holding him couldn't control him anymore so I was glad he got put back in his tank. HA

The Poor Scared Toad :)

Touching the Toad


Turtle Shell

She is something else with these critters that she likes:). She is much braver than her Nana for sure.
She looks so pretty in her butterfly shirt, but then I think she always looks pretty!
How funny...love that little reptile girl LOL
What is it with these girls and creepy creatures? I have a difficult time remaining calm around snakes and such... yuck!
You always find such cool things to do!
Just stopping by to let you know I have opened my blog. Feel free to stop by!
You sure are a good mommy encouraging her love of reptiles. Yuck. LOL!
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