Yes, it does say uncle shucks corn maze, we took Lauren and had a blast, the maze was in the shape of a racecar and it took us about an hour to get through it, the corn was alot taller than Steve who is 6' 4" , after the maze we let lauren pick out a pumpkin for our house.
Lauren found a red expo marker and decided to paint herself, I was right around the corner and did not see her do this but I was quite shocked to find her this way. needless to say, we will have no more markers in this house. :)
Lauren's Nana & Papa sent her a Safari Wagon a few days ago. Here's the first ride in the new wagon with her friend Jocelyn. They love this thing but it should have come with an automatic kid puller or something. :)
Lauren is 21 months old now, seems hard to believe that she'll be 2 in just a few months. she now weighs 22 pounds and is really feisty. she says a few words but mostly it's babble still. We changed her crib into a toddler bed and she will nap on it but will not sleep in it at night, she sleeps on a pallet on our bedroom floor still. she now knows where her fingers, toes, hands, feet, nose, ears & mouth are. She likes to put her own shoes on even though they are seldom on the right feet, she also mimicks everything now.
We went to the Old Milton Festival in Alpharetta today and Lauren got to feed goats, lamas, horses, and a cow. She also went for her first pony ride, she liked the ponies but wasn't sure about riding them until it was over. It was a really neat festival with clogging, dulcimer groups, spinning, chair making, gem panning, candle making and all kinds of neat stuff like that. It was a great family event.
We spent the Labor Day weekend at the beach in Ft.Myers. Lauren had a great time and got really tanned in the short amount of time we were there. She loved the pool and had a good time playing in the sand at the beach. She wasn't sure at first about the ocean but warmed up to it by the second day.