Someone from our church approached Steve with a bag yesterday and told him to take it to Lauren that it was a special gift that she had found for her, so tonight after dinner we let Lauren open it. She had gotten her 2 full Chinese tea sets both with dragons on them, Lauren was so excited when she saw them, they are both so delicate and beautiful. What a nice surprise and a special gift indeed.
We currently have 4 Hummingbirds that come and eat out of our bird feeder and they fight over it, the latest thing for us to do is watch it all take place. Lauren and I love to sit and watch these cool little birds come and drink and then take off real fast. Nature has some cool little animals in it for sure.
Lauren's First Grade school pictures came in yesterday, I thought they turned out cute.(not sure why it's crooked, it was straight on the scanner preview)
Since today is Labor Day and everyone in our house is off of work and out of school we decided to take a day trip to Albany, GA to the riverquarium. It was very small but a really cool place,we all had a great time there. The city of Albany has these neat painted turtles all over the place that made me think of Nashville and the painted guitars.