Friday, March 07, 2008

Class Picture

Here's Lauren's current class picture, she is going to start at a new preschool in the fall, she was supposed to start her new school in April but if we wait until Fall she will be in Noah's class. She is really excited to be going to school soon with Noah, the only catch is she MUST be potty trained by then and she is not interested still, hopefully this summer she will really get busy so she can go to her new school.

*It's a little grainy, it didn't scan well. She is also getting a new teacher on Tuesday, so we'll see how that goes. :)


Lauren's Nana said...

Maybe going to school with Noah will be an incentive to potty train, who knows..., I am sure you are saying whatever works:). She will when she is ready and not before unfortunately, that is just the way it goes so to speak:).
Love ya'll!

Saint Louis Family Robinson said...

Cute! I have to say, Lauren, you're the cutest in your class!

Michelle said...

Lauren looks so stinkin' cute in the center of the class!