Lauren has been making herself crazy asking for Aqua Sand Mermaid Island so she got money from her grandma and decided that's what she wanted to buy, it was a good lesson for her because she thinks everything she sees on TV is the " best thing ever" well, we got it home and opened it and she was highly disappointed in it because the mermaid is tiny, there's only 2 bottles of sand and a cheap plastic bowl, so it was a good lesson learned for a 5 year old :) on a brighter note, she did get some the cutest shoes ever also :)
see that tiny little pink thing, yep, that's the mermaid
Lauren has been saving her money for Orbeez and finally she had enough so we ordered them and they came today. What a happy surprise that was for her, she finished school and then it was time to play. They start out little and grow in water so you can make them into other things, she is having a blast so far :)