It's that time of year again, we have collected 7 fuzzy wuzzy's for the caterpillar box so far. can you guess what she named them ? crowny, fuzzy, wuzzy, cuzzy, cozy, brownie, shiny. Great caterpillar names don't you think.
Today was report card day at Lauren's school, she got a great first one. She got O's and S's in each grade category and an S in Behavior. When she first started this school her reading was graded at a 70 which is an N but today it was graded at a 90 so she has done so well in catching up in her reading, I think with this speech therapist coming she is going to get right on track.
Lauren had her first field trip today at school, she has been to homeschool field trips before but this one was different. She got to ride the school bus to a local theatrical theatre to see the production of Beauty & The Beast with both Kindergarten classes at her school. She was super excited to ride the bus :)
I feel like we hit stages over and over at our house, the separation stage is back again and now she cries because she doesn't want to go to school, she wants to be with us. I feel like we take 2 steps forward and 1 step back all the time with Lauren. I thought by this age things would be better but sometimes they are not, she makes progress and then we go right back to square one with not wanting to be left at school. Sigh.... I wish I could get into her head sometimes and see what she sees and know what she thinks and what triggers these moments.
Ever since we moved away Lauren has been missing her little friend Jocelyn, they were together from 2006 to 2010 when we lived in Cumming, Lauren was 16 months old when Joce came into her life and she misses her terribly so I decided to use shutterfly and make her and Joce a book of pictures of the two of them together, we mailed Joce hers today. Lauren has enjoyed her little book so far and I hope it helps her stay connected to her friend.
today was wacky Wednesday at Lauren's school in honor of Dr. Suess's birthday so she wore her pants backwards, 2 different socks, 2 different shoes, and had 1 sleeve up and 1 down and her hair had a high ponytail and a low ponytail. She was so excited about today because it was something fun and different at school.