Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Book

Ever since we moved away Lauren has been missing her little friend Jocelyn, they were together from 2006 to 2010 when we lived in Cumming, Lauren was 16 months old when Joce came into her life and she misses her terribly so I decided to use shutterfly and make her and Joce a book of pictures of the two of them together, we mailed Joce hers today. Lauren has enjoyed her little book so far and I hope it helps her stay connected to her friend.


Lauren's Nana said...

Such a sweet idea for both of them:). She looks as stunning as ever:). Tell her we love her and miss her too!.

Saint Louis Family Robinson said...

Oh Stacie... love this post! I'm made a couple little Shutterfly books for Josie and she LOVES them too. Long before online sites, I used to make little scrapbooks for my nieces and nephews (nothing very fancy mostly just pictures) and they LOVED them too!